
Reading Responses

My Website is a Shifting House Next to a River of Knowledge

Laurel Schwulst

Based on the idea of a website as a puddle - everything is temporary. In this website, I imagine people being able to post their thoughts. It shows up on the screen before it disappears for good.

response one

A Friend is Writing

Callum Copley

A website that holds a chatroom. When someone is typing, the ellipsis doesn't pop up. Instead, the receiver can see live time what the messenger is typing out.

response two

The Poetry of Tools

Mindy Seu

Growing up and studying in the Philippines, I've had tasks where I had to write essays and other things in Filipino. I've gone through the struggle of different programs always autocorrecting Filipino words to English. This website is inspired by this issue. Every word that is in a different language will be autocorrected to the nearest English word. Playing around with the idea that many of our computer systems and programs have cultural and Western biases.

response three

The Good Room

Frank Chimero

This website features what I would like in a good room away from the toxic nature of social media. Everyday, the content of the website changes. Sometimes you'll have a news article featuring some good news, other days you might have an exercise list together with a meditation activity. It's never the same, but it always promotes a healthier mindspace.

response four